Areas of Practice


Felony cases - any charge that can result in more than a year in prison -are within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court. A felony conviction has life-altering consequences beyond prison, too: significant restraints on your freedom, having your employment and income managed and controlled by someone else, curfews and restrictions on travel, difficulty obtaining housing, employment, and even student loans.


Misdemeanor cases - less serious crimes than felonies - are adjudicated in District Court. While the effects of a conviction are less serious than felony cases, they can still result in up to a year in jail, probation, mandatory treatment for alcohol, domestic violence, or anger management, and in some cases lengthy pre-trial incarceration. The financial toll of a misdemeanor can approach that of a felony – while the fines are not as high, the costs of probation, in-home detention, mandatory treatment, and the resultant difficulty finding or maintaining employment can run into the tens of thousands.

Justin has successfully defended hundreds of misdemeanor cases. If you’ve been charged in District Court, you need to call the Law Office of Justin Facey to ensure that your rights are fully protected.


Municipal offenses, while enerally less serious than District Court misdemeanor cases, can wield consequences similar to some misdemeanors, including probation and mandatory treatment or classes completed at your own expense.

Justin has successfully defended clients in nearly every kind of criminal case, from homicides and sex assaults to misdemeanors and municipal violations. He will approach your municipal case with the critical eye and aggressive motion practice gleaned from a career


An aggressive DUI defense is often the only thing stranding between defendants accepting a guilty plea on the state’s terms. We can help defend against your DUI DWAI, or DUI-drug charges, as well as any other traffic offenses.

First, we will make sure illegal and inadmissible evidence is not being used to railroad you into pleading! Justin will fight, negotiate and exploit the weaknesses of the district attorney's case to get the best possible plea offer from the D.A. In the vast majority of cases, he can obtain offers that allow his clients to plead to a lesser offense.

Sentencing on a DUI can be severe. Your sentence could include jail, heavy fines, and court costs, as well as extra-judicial deleterious effects on your Constitutional right to travel. Justin will use all available mitigating factors to minimize your penalties.


In Alaska, prosecutors can attach a “domestic violence” kicker to virtually any crime if they decide that the defendant’s relationship with the alleged victim is an “intimate” one. These cases are then uniquely prosecuted and carry harsher criminal penalties and extra-judicial penalties - trials are set more quickly, protection orders are issued and bonds will often carry conditions that make pre-trial release difficult or impossible to attain and maintain.

Additionally, potential indirect consequences of a convictions for domestic violence in Alaska include: -Restricting or abolishing your second-amendment right to purchase or possess a firearm -Employment consequences -Immigration consequences -Asset division, custody, and parenting consequences

It is CRITICAL that you retain counsel at the earliest opportunity to ensure that you are treated fairly and your rights are protected.


Motor vehicle accidents, while a relatively common occurrence, can cause traumatic brain injuries, broken bones, spine and neck injuries, and a variety of other serious injuries that can take weeks or months to heal. The chance for serious injuries increases when vehicles of different sizes and weights collide with one another, a very frequent occurrence on Alaska roadways.

You will only have one opportunity to recover the money needed to pay medical bills, compensate you for lost earnings, and provide a measure of solace for your pain. Contact Justin Facey today. We handle these cases on a percentage fee basis, so we only get paid if you do.


If you’re bringing a child into your life through adoption or assisted reproduction, proper legal representation is essential. Choosing an experienced attorney is equally important if you are seeking guardianship or custody of a child in your care or trying to assist a child placed in the child welfare system, particularly if your child or the child in your care is subject to ICWA or was born abroad.

Justin Facey represented the Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska in these types of cases, and brings relevant experience to each unique family situation and skills that are crucial to your family unity and stability.


If you have suffered injuries or losses through the fault of another person’s poor decisions, you are entitled to compensation for your physical, mental, emotional, and financial damages.

The Law Office of Justin Facey will help you file and pursue a personal injury claim for your just compensation and prevent the wrongdoers and their insurance companies from taking advantage of injured victims. Call today for a consultation.


Justin was assaulted by a police officer while handcuffed after a college party. While he escaped with only a cracked rib, he knows first-hand the feelings of fear and powerlessness that the victims of police brutality live with.

Police misconduct - which can range from harassment, evidence mishandling or fabrication, and wrongful arrests to excessive force in the form of police brutality and unjustified police shootings - causes severe physical, mental, and financial injuries to victims while simultaneously eroding public trust in law enforcement and the sense of community safety. The same is true of abuse, neglect, or misconduct by of corrections officers or departments against vulnerable inmates.

The Fourth Amendment protects you against illegal search and seizure as well as police brutality. The First Amendment guarantees your freedom of speech and provides protection, through civil actions known as qui tam lawsuits, against retaliation. This is particularly important in the context of police whistleblower cases, because the official police response often resembles that of criminal organizations dealing with an informant. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits federal and state governments - to include police - from discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex or national origin.

Justin is passionate about helping you secure damages for civil rights violations by those we trust to enforce our laws and in so doing exposing and dismantling the cultural and systemic fault lines within law enforcement that protects the serial abusers. If you have been the victim of an illegal search or seizure, wrongful arrest or conviction, or violence or a shooting at the hands of a law enforcement officer or department, call today for a consultation.

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